Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q.  Can we write our own ceremony?

    A.  Yes, I will be delighted to help you with the process of creating a ceremony that best reflects who you are as a couple. While you don't have to write your own vows, it does create a more intimate ceremony.

  • Q.  How do we start the process?

    A.  For couples living in the area, I recommend that our first step be a personal visit. When we meet in person we can plan how best to proceed. If a couple lives outside of the area, it may be necessary to do preliminary work on the phone and by e-mail.

  • Q.  What is your fee?

    A.  My fee includes travel, as well as developing the individualized ceremony and performing it. I have one inclusive fee which I will be happy to discuss with you in person.

  • Q.  My wedding will not be in New York. Can you help me?

    A.  While I generally limit my travel to the New York area, I do travel on occasion. If I am unable to perform your ceremony I can help you find clergy who performs ceremonies in other parts of the country.